Sunday 3 February 2013

Chicken Fry

Ingredients :

Chicken Chopped - 1 kg
Maida - 1 cup
Chilli Powder - 2 tbsp
Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tbsp

Egg - 2
Cinnamon and Clove Powder - 1 tbsp
Ginger Garlic paste - 2 tbsp
Oil to deep fry
Salt to taste

Chopped coriander and Lemon pieces to garnish

Procedure :
  • In a  pan take maida, chilli powder, turmeric powder, cinnamon and clove powder, ginger garlic paste, salt to taste.
  • Add eggs to it and mix well. Take care that no lumps are formed.
  • If you find the mixture too watery add little maida to it and mix well.
  • In another pan take 2 tbsp of oil heat it up and add chicken to it with 1/2 tbsp of turmeric powder and 1 tbsp of salt.
  • Let it cook for 5 minutes in simmer. ( Chicken should be partially cooked ).
  • Turn off the stove and drain the chicken pieces and put it to the prepared masala and mix well.
  • The chicken broth ( Water of chicken got after cooking ) can be used to prepare soup, biriyani.
  • Keep the marinated chicken in the fridge for about 2 hrs.
  • In a pan take oil heat it and add chicken pieces and deep fry it.
  • Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and piece of lemon.

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